Friday 18 January 2013

Do not disturb.....

Just walked in the living room to find Charlie asleep like this...... he likes a good muzzie!!!! That's what we think to the non existent snow!!!!!!!

Catch up!

So not much been going on here!  Sat inside waiting for the silly amount of snow we are supposed to be having! None yet though...... Charlie has dressed for the occasion though. ......

Monday 14 January 2013

First tastes....

So being 4 months old Charlie decided to refuse milk last night but was still hungry..... out went the crying in came the weetabix! He managed to munch through a quarter of it and never let any escape!! Also managed his milk after.... funny that!

Let it snow!!!

Woke up to a white blanket this morning! Quite deep amd snowing again now so looks like we're in for some more!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Fish lips

Just a quick pic of the boy Charlie with his (what I like to call) kiss face.... but if he does it to anyone else its his fish lips... kisses are only for me!!!!!

We built this city. ....

Well stair ceiling really! Started to sllllooooowly decorate! Woop! This is the work in progress on the stairs that will hide the ugly ceiling thats already there! 

Watch this space........

Monday 7 January 2013

Park fun at matlock

Took a trip to Matlock Bath today for a last blast with leah and dan before back to school tomorrow.  Needless to Charlie slept through the whole thing! !!!

Saturday 5 January 2013

2 peas.....

Charlie and daddy having a natter!!!  And later on both looking equally sulky!!! Haha xx

Start as you mean to go on.....

So new year.... dont generally make resolutions but would like to loose some more weight this year.  Joined slimming world last November and already lost 10lbs so hoping to loose another 3 stones.  Today I made tomato and veg soup which is yummy!  Its all classed as free food on the plan so made a huge pot and some has gone in the freezer!

Might do a weekly weigh in on here too so watch this space!!!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Big sister loves!!!!

Ahhhh enjoying a cuddle from leah after being a mardy little boy all day!!!!! Cutting two teeth is never fun!!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy new year!!!!!

Hope everyone had a good night ! Charlie saw the new year in fast asleep as he is teething so we also slept through the bells!  Here's to a calmer, richer and quiet 2013!!

Love the Gallacher/Spencer/Patrick clan!!