Monday 27 May 2013

Bank holibob fun

Had a trip to matlock today. Beautiful weather and ice cream a plenty!

Fun fun fun..... the sun sun sun!! So today has been a lovely day! We carbooted this morning and found a bath seat for Charlie. Then this arvo we've been gardening and had a bbq. Charlie had his first sausage and loved it!!!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Garden update!

Been off work today and the garden/veg patch is coming along nicely! ! Lee has worked hard.... well the rotavator has!! Time to plant at the weekend!!!

Monday 20 May 2013

Spring has sprung (at last!!)

His is how the veg patch looks at the minute..... its a work in progress but Lee is on the case with a rotavator!  Also the chooks tried to help but ended up helping Charlie to fall asleep! Will post pics of the freshly dug patch soon!!!

Hello old friend....

Its been a while since I last updated!  Plenty is happening!  Im back at work :( Leah has finished her sats, Dan has finally realised there is life outside of Mario on his ds, Charlie is poorly at the moment and is in the process of cutting four teeth! !! Yes four!!! He is suffering at the minute as you can see on the photo.......

Wednesday 1 May 2013

First swing!

Loys of new things this week. Including nice weather so I took Charlie to the park for his first swing! He wasnt impressed to start with but soon smiled.... and then fell asleep!

New tastes!

So today Charlie tried some banana. .. seemed to quite like it too!!!!

Sunday 14 April 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013

Meet Chester

We have a lodger for a few weeks! This is Chester. He is a 4 yr old cocker spaniel who belongs to a lady who Lee knows. She unfortunately is having a spell in hospital so Chester has come to stop with us for a bit. Its nice having a dog in the house again!

Sunday 31 March 2013

Saturday 23 March 2013

Shiny new floor!

Tha ks to my wonderful pops we have a nice shiny new hall and kitchen floor!! It look a-mazing and im so pleased. Really feels like the house is coming together now. Dan's room next!!!!

Snow glorious snow!!!

So this is what we woke up to this morning. In March.  In spring. Enough now.

Monday 18 March 2013

Happy 6 months old!!

So my not so little boy is a whole half yr old today!  Bit scary how fast its gone but here it is!!

Friday 1 March 2013

Nom nom

In food news Charlie is storming ahead with his solids! Yesterday we introduced a cup for his water which he didnt quite get the hang of at first but his little face lit up when he realised he could get water out of it!!

Ere we go....

Leah was picked to play girls football at pride park yesterday!!! Their team lost overall but she did score a goal in their winning match!  Very proud mum!

Sunday 24 February 2013

New stairs!!!

So the decorating is coming on nicely! We've now got a false ceiling and wallpaper (by my own fair hand with some help from good friends!!) But really pleased so far. Lee has sanded all the banister down and we're glossing that next week! Dan's room next!

Some from the last week

So a few photos from the last week or so to catch up!! More to come tomorrow! !

Big boy!!

Well he cant roll over or feed himself but check out the boy sitting up!!!

Hello old friend....

So life took a busy turn and not posyed for a while. In this time ive managed to turn 32, we've got new chickens (photos to follow!) And Charlie is maahoosive! !

Friday 18 January 2013

Do not disturb.....

Just walked in the living room to find Charlie asleep like this...... he likes a good muzzie!!!! That's what we think to the non existent snow!!!!!!!

Catch up!

So not much been going on here!  Sat inside waiting for the silly amount of snow we are supposed to be having! None yet though...... Charlie has dressed for the occasion though. ......

Monday 14 January 2013

First tastes....

So being 4 months old Charlie decided to refuse milk last night but was still hungry..... out went the crying in came the weetabix! He managed to munch through a quarter of it and never let any escape!! Also managed his milk after.... funny that!

Let it snow!!!

Woke up to a white blanket this morning! Quite deep amd snowing again now so looks like we're in for some more!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Fish lips

Just a quick pic of the boy Charlie with his (what I like to call) kiss face.... but if he does it to anyone else its his fish lips... kisses are only for me!!!!!

We built this city. ....

Well stair ceiling really! Started to sllllooooowly decorate! Woop! This is the work in progress on the stairs that will hide the ugly ceiling thats already there! 

Watch this space........

Monday 7 January 2013

Park fun at matlock

Took a trip to Matlock Bath today for a last blast with leah and dan before back to school tomorrow.  Needless to Charlie slept through the whole thing! !!!